Table of contents
What is department of disability?
Accessibility Division is affiliated to Diversity Accessibility Career Center. The core task of this division is offering the academic support for students with disabilities.
Structure of OSD
Director, Vice-director | |
Vice-president (Department of Student Affairs), Vice-president (Department of Educational Promotion) Director (Department of Student Affairs), Director (Department of Facilities) |
Specialist Committee | Disability Sciences faculties: 11 persons |
OSD faculties: 4 persons | |
Health Center faculty: 1 person | |
Office | Full-time staff (Department of student affairs, division of student welfare) |
part-time researcher | |
part-time staff | |
Support Teams for students with disabilities (primarily students) |
Contact person for each education department faculty
OSD requested all the departments such as undergraduate, graduate schools, research departments etc. to appoint person for direct contact with OSD for efficient communication and interaction.
For graduate schools, OSD requested only the departments that have students with disabilities enrolled to nominate a staff to contact.
Current enrollment of students with disabilities
University of Tsukuba has numerous enrollments of students with disabilities. All the departments including School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, School of Health and Physical Education, School of Art and Design have a history of admitting students with disabilities. One of the distinctive peculiarities of enrollment of students with disabilities at University of Tsukuba is the large number of students with disabilities who are enrolled in masters and doctors programs. The enrollment of students with disabilities for undergraduate and graduate schools for April 2016 was about 100 students.