
Center for Diversity, Accessibility and Career Development

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Peer Tutors

Peer Tutors

What are Peer Tutors


Peer tutors wanted!

Would you like to work with us as a peer tutor?


At the University of Tsukuba, students who have taken a training course for peer tutors are involved in support activities for students with disabilities. The peer tutors get along with each other like friends in a circle or part-time job, and they manage the support team proactively, having fun and taking responsibility for the support activities. Would you like to sign up as a peer tutor?

Even if you have no experience, don’t worry! Our senior peer tutors will kindly guide you.

If you are interested, please take the free (special) course, “Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities”, and the peer tutor training course.


Peer tutoring system

The university assigns peer tutors to students with disabilities who have been identified as needing assistance with their studies. Peer tutors are students who are involved in support activities after attending the peer tutor training course held by the DAC Center (Accessibility).

Many students with disabilities have been enrolled in the school since its inception. In the past, there has been a tradition of voluntary support for such students by classmates and volunteers. In keeping with this tradition, today we have a peer tutor system, where the university employs students, who have received a certain amount of training, to provide support to students with disabilities. This peer tutoring system was developed with reference to the tutoring system for international students.

Peer tutors may themselves be students with disabilities, but all peer tutors have taken the training course and are actively participating in the management of the support team and the training of peer tutors, playing a central role in the support activities.

Peer tutors are paid an honorarium based on the university’s regulations, and peer tutors who have provided support activities for more than a certain number of hours can apply for an activities certificate, issued by the president, which can be used as a document to confirm your support activities at the university, when seeking employment or applying for scholarships.

Peer tutors and students with disabilities work together to form support teams for each disability, and each team is managed independently by the students. DAC Center (Accessibility) specialist staff provide supervision and support for smooth team operation (for more information, please see Each Disability Support).